The Rising Belief in Miracles


“The growth of spiritual secularism, or secular spiritualism, does not disprove the secularization thesis, but it does reframe it.” - Breakpoint


ABC News: Is America losing its religion?


ABC News’ Steve Osunsami reports on how churches faced with empty pews are fighting to keep their doors open, while former houses of worship are being converted into bars, clubs and luxury condos.” - YouTube


The Word is Jesus! Should you let Jordan Peterson preach the Word to you?


“Jordan Petersen is doing a series on the Gospels on the Daily Wire. The discussion panel consists of Jordan Peterson (a Canadian psychologist and social philosopher who admittedly is not a born-again believer), Dennis Prager (a religious Jew, founder of Prager U)” and others. - P&D


Why Young Men Are Becoming Eastern Orthodox


Reason 1: “The search for stability. People are hungry for tradition and rootedness and groundedness. People want something that isn’t changing.” - Gavin Ortlund


Low Church Atheism


“Sunday Assembly lacks the anti-religious mockery of the Flying Spaghetti Monster crowd. Its tone is more therapeutic and upbeat. With sixty chapters globally, its motto is ‘live better, help often, and wonder more.’” - First Things


Incurably Churchy


“…how those who reject the Christian religion—as in formalized membership or participation in a church or denomination—very much want to embrace some kind of spiritual community and gathering.” - Church & Culture


What Ever Happened to the ‘Nones’?


“Perhaps this signals an opportunity to recommit and rebuild after the ‘Great De-Churching,’ evangelizing a society that has moved from consciously rejecting Christianity to just not thinking much about it. But to do that…. we need to understand when and why the ‘nones’ left.” - Breakpoint


We Asked Nones a Bunch of Questions About Leaving Religion


“The first question battery was focused on the family circumstances of those who were currently nonreligious. I wanted to break this down by age to see if younger nones were more likely to be raised in a nonreligious household compared to older nones.” - Religion Unplugged
