Conservative publication fact checks election fraud stories

“All of these claims, with the exception of the absentee Georgia ballots (which seemed like honest confusion and could actually have hurt Joe Biden if true, given his general advantage in mailed-in ballots), were shared to bolster the claim that the election was stolen from Donald Trump. And all of them, with the exception of the claim that Pennsylvania reported a batch of ballots all for Biden, were false. (Even that one was missing some context.)” - The Dispatch


[Adam Blumer]

We aren’t there yet.

We are, but it is hard for a narcissist to admit that he is a loser. His trade is peddling in conspiracy theories and lies. His lieutenant Rudy feeds his ego and peddles more lies. At the end of the day, what you will realize is no matter what the outcome, He will continue to peddle this and a whole portion of society will believe he was cheated. The biggest supporters of this will be the evangelicals. We have already seen this for quite some time. As a child I often wondered how Christians could be deceived by the Antichrist. These last four years opened my eyes. As long as the Antichrist is against abortion, the lies that come out can always be washed away with a story. If he stands in front of some church with a Bible in his hand and a smile he is a Christian. Why are Christians leaving Facebook in droves going over to MeWe and Parler in the last week? Because they can be fed and feed others with conspiracy theories and lies. A sad state of affairs for the church.

So Trump is now an anti-Christ like figure? An idol that deceived Christians bow to?

You know, not everyone is hanging on every word the man says, or listening to NewsMax. Some of us just aren’t looking forward to the left’s agenda passing into normalcy.

I voted for Donald Trump last week. I have never believed he is a Christian as defined in Scripture. I find him to be offensive - even disgusting - at times. A narcissist? Yes. A liar? Probably so.

BUT. Not to have voted for Trump was unthinkable to me. It would make me complicit in putting into power a regime that is set on the promotion of evil. The blood of 60+ million murdered babies cries out against the Democratic Party and its vile platform.

Will Trump forces prevail in overturning the vote in enough places to change the results as they stand? Probably not. But surely the president’s agents have as much right to challenge the results of this election as Al Gore had in 2000.

Tyler, I was in church on Wednesday night just like those in your congregation were meeting. I wasn’t crying. I typically don’t buy into conspiracy theories. And I definitely don’t idolize Donald Trump. However, there was no way on earth that I could be a participant in the election of the Democratic nominee - either by voting for him or for some other candidate who would siphon votes away from the Republican nominee.

Our God is fully able to use this situation (and the fallout from it) for his own purposes. I will continue to pray for the president regardless of who he is. And I will pray for our country. Even more so if the wicked plans of the left come to fruition over the next four years. May God have mercy on us!

You asked:

So Trump is now an anti-Christ like figure? An idol that deceived Christians bow to?

Absolutely, yes. 1000%

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.

In God’s providence, at this point, there are no third-party candidates now who will be in charge of our country in 2021. It will either be Biden-Harris or Trump-Pence.
God has put us in a position of having some time to ponder those two possibilities. In something that I wrote last year, I said the following:

We need to consider that Scripture speaks at least twice of how a successor to an evil ruler was less evil than his predecessor:

2 Kings 3:1 Now Jehoram the son of Ahab began to reign over Israel in Samaria the eighteenth year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, and reigned twelve years. 2 And he wrought evil in the sight of the LORD; but not like his father, and like his mother: for he put away the image of Baal that his father had made.

2 Kings 17:1 In the twelfth year of Ahaz king of Judah began Hoshea the son of Elah to reign in Samaria over Israel nine years. 2 And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, but not as the kings of Israel that were before him.

These passages show that God notices when a successor to a ruler is still an evil ruler but not as evil as his predecessor. Furthermore, not only does God notice such rulers but also He calls them to the attention of His people.

Moreover, we should notice that God specifies that Jehoram was not as evil as his father Ahab specifically from a religious standpoint. This revelation therefore teaches us that we are to pay attention to whether one of two or more competing candidates is less evil specifically from a spiritual standpoint.

For me, it is unquestionable which prospective administration would be “less evil specifically from a spiritual standpoint.”
In this election, I have been a never “Bidener” and that is what has motivated my political comments and continues to do so.
I will continue to beg God that Biden-Harris will not come into power.


You asked:

So Trump is now an anti-Christ like figure? An idol that deceived Christians bow to?

Absolutely, yes. 1000%

OK. Are you saying all who voted for Trump are looking at Trump like he is a replacement for Christ? How broad is this deception and idolatry? Because you just accused me of idolatry and you know nothing about me really… Seems like a broad brush to me.

So all of us who defend Trump are political idolators?


Most believers I know are disappointed with the man but support his policies. For many of us, it’s never been about him but about the platform. And those who are shedding tears right now need to trust God’s sovereignty but have every reason to be sad. We aren’t going to find such believer-friendly policies from the other guy.

Trump is an anti-Christ like figure?


This is the president whose policies have done more for believers and religious freedom in this country than ANY politician since Reagan. Have fun with that nonsense.
Some of you scoff at Tucker Carlson. Sounds to me like you need to start watching him ASAP. I’m not happy with Fox right now, but Tucker is one of the last few voices of reason there.

It strikes me that a big part of those court cases is that election law is deliberately written to make it tough to prove—for that matter, the secret ballot makes it all but impossible to convict someone of vote fraud unless they’re particularly incompetent. So let’s not confuse “did not prevail in court” with “there is no evidence of vote fraud.” The two statements are not equivalent.

And in that light, if proving vote fraud is indeed difficult, we should not be surprised that early cases are not won. These things take time for the analysis to show the decidedly non-random patterns that would show a problem.

So at this point, what we have is a fairly significant number of poll watchers who were shown the door on a partisan basis (many while they watched Democrat-favorable poll watchers walk right through the door—it’s not a question of social distancing and COVID), some postal workers who seem to have been ordered to falsify ballots, and a very interesting pattern that liberal cities in states with a close election are counting votes into the wee hours, excluding GOP poll watchers, having a large number of ballots with only the Presidential race marked, and some “very interesting” breaches in custody of ballots in those same cities. Liberal cities outside of competitive states are not showing these patterns. It’s a decidedly non-random pattern of incompetence or worse. In addition, many precincts are showing far more votes than registered voters, up to 200%

And let’s be honest; if you want to count votes accurately and with accountability, this isn’t how it’s done. Few people do better work at 3am, more observers can’t stay to that hour, etc.. If you want to cause people to doubt about whether the process is just, this is exactly what you do.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

Yes, well … it usually is quite comfortable in an echo chamber.

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.

I recently read that an election glitch in Michigan, when corrected, changed the winner from Democrat to Republican. I haven’t seen anything about this in main-stream media. Does anyone know if this is true? If so, isn’t that a BIG deal? Does this reveal more serious problems with the voting process than the main-stream wants us to know about?

G. N. Barkman

I already reported this story and provided links to it. And there have been other such “glitches” since then.

It has been widely reported: Washington Times. New York Post, Fox News, etc. Just google “michigan 6000 votes.” You’ll see lots of sites that covered it. Yes, it’s a big deal.

Guys, I will end my participation on this thread by asking you to consider whether you’ve been radicalized by your echo chamber of choice just as the left has, too.

The Church must not have an ethos of defensive resistance. It can include that, of course, but it must not be that. I ask Christians to consider their position on the church and the state, and to do their own thinking about the Church’s relationship to politics. Don’t outsource your introspection on this to Wayne Grudem, who may well just affirm what you already wanted to hear.

Even still, I suspect many here will ignore me. The radicalization on the Right is just as strong as that on the Left, and just as insidious. Even more, because Christians are supposed to be radicalized by their love for Jesus and the Gospel, not by right-wing politics. The trope about how to the Left politics is a religion is just as true on the Right for many people inside conservative evangelicalism.

Ours is not a hermeneutic of frustration, despair or perpetual outrage. Outsiders wouldn’t know that from the comments here and on social media. We criticize “the culture,” but we forget that “culture” isn’t an abstract thing floating in the clouds. We forget that we are the culture.

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.

So those who don’t just blindly accept what has to this point been reported about the vote totals are idolaters? I could just as easily say there are those here whose idol is “Removing the orange guy,” and they want this idol so badly that any calls for checking the results are unnecessary and that the authorities should just be believed. I’d say this latter group is just as worthy of being decried (and being ignored) as those who think Trump is the 2nd coming.

A wise man in this country once said “Trust but Verify.” Not only are there many people out there who trust so little that they believe every conspiracy theory, it appears there are many even here who trust the system/media/whoever so much that they are against any calls for accountability or verification. I’m not in either camp, and I’d still like verification to proceed in order that we can trust the results, both now and in the future. If this election is entirely on the up-and-up, both sides should be good with strict verification. I’m highly suspicious of those who are not, and you should be too.

Dave Barnhart

In Fulton County, Georgia, poll watchers were sent home at 10:30pm. Counting continued until 1am. It’s disputed, yes, but let’s dispense with the idea that there is nothing to the notion that there’s no evidence that ought to be followed up on, OK? If you want to fake some ballots, you have your most trusted workers and no poll watchers there, and that’s exactly what happened.


Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

The issue is not claims of voter fraud. It is the fact that the leader peddles conspiracy theories and lies. He commands a big audience and those people strive to believe the narrative because they believe that Trump has done more for Christians than anyone else. They seek news stories that support this claim, without once being discerning about it. The idea of truth is hidden from most evangelicals, as supported by the rampant theories and lies that continue to gain more steam amongst this group. Go ahead and hold onto the news stories of the 6,000 Michigan votes which has been thoroughly and 100% debunked. Go ahead and hold onto the fact that “noise” must mean there is some truth - because that is exactly how these things propogate. We laugh at people who claim we didn’t land on the moon, but the exact same model is being used in this case. If Trump came out and supported the electoral process and conceded the election we would have no problem. But he revels in this, and most people are oblivious.

The seminal work on voter fraud from the Brennan Center, a non-partisan group (…), shows that voter fraud is extremely, extremely rare. And that practically all allegations prove to be false, even though they make for good press, are propogated across the press and large swaths of people still hold to it.

I have read the lawsuits, seen the affidavits and they are all weak. Most of the affidavits are from people who weren’t even working at the polls. Read the judgements from the court rulings (many from Republican judges), they are a joke, stating there are no facts and just theories. But I guess the thousands of lemmings can still hold onto Trump, Rudy and even Tucker Carlson as really providing the “truth” and the entire rest of the system is hiding something. Hmmmmm? Can you find 1,000’s of news sites reporting fraud? Sure. There are millions of news sites out there, so yes a ton peddle in all kinds of things and many are just fronts for foreign governments. There is a big difference in reporting something and proving something, and so far with all of the money being spent no one has been able to prove fraud, and actually no one has really proven any impacts to the voting process. The note from Barr was a joke. Basically telling them to do the job that they are legally required to do and are already doing. But hey it feeds the narrative that there are underground things taking place here.