What Should Churches Do Now that COVID-19 Is Spiking Again?

“No matter where your church falls along this continuum, it’s important to continually seek out up-to-date data and research and to humbly integrate this information into an ongoing decision-making process.” - F&T


The premise of this article and the very first sentence assumes something that may not be true at all. While I cannot speak for other states, in Wisconsin there is a backlog on reporting the results of COVID tests. Not on results in general, mind you, but only on negative test results, which is contributing to a serious skewing of the rate that is presumed by nearly everyone to be spiking.

Before we decide what to do, maybe we should be willing to question the narrative.

Dane County, Wisconsin’s 2nd most populous county, just updated their negative results and the weekly positive rate dropped from 13.4% to under 4%. Not only is there no spike, but there’s actually a decline. Sadly, most seem too invested in the narrative and the subsequent isolation and mask demands to admit the truth.