Texas Republican Party Endorses Marijuana Decriminalization

“Delegates at the Republican Party of Texas convention on Saturday voted to approve platform planks endorsing marijuana decriminalization, medical cannabis and industrial hemp. They are also calling for a change in cannabis’s classification by the federal government.” - Forbes(link is external)


A couple of the data points I’ve seen are that (a) marijuana-related driving deaths went up to 77 in 2016 in Colorado (vs. about 20 prior to 2012) while (b) opioid-related deaths went down by about 180 when marijuana was legalized. There is probably some other good data out there, but all in all, what I’ve seen is that “funny weed” is far less dangerous than the things that are being substituted for it. This could be a very good move by the Texas GOP, and it looks like the Michigan GOP is doing about the same.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

If you legalize marijuana, you’re going to get whole states and nations glued to the television each May and June to see who gets to carry a giant silver trophy while skating.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.