Gallup: Americans' Views of Marijuana Effects Worsen
“However, U.S. adults view marijuana as less harmful to users than tobacco, nicotine and alcohol” - Gallup
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“However, U.S. adults view marijuana as less harmful to users than tobacco, nicotine and alcohol” - Gallup
“Those previously diagnosed with cannabis addiction were almost twice as likely to develop clinical depression and up to four times as likely to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder.” - Breakpoint
“Adults younger than 50, for example, are twice as likely as those aged 65 and older to be regular cannabis users (12% vs. 6%, respectively). Men (11%) are marginally more likely than women (8%) to be regular consumers” - Gallup
“The proportion of Americans who say they smoke marijuana has more than doubled since 2013, when Gallup first asked the question. That year, 7% said they did.” - Gallup
“A recent study from Oregon Health & Science University reveals that while alcohol abuse has steadily declined among teens, cannabis abuse has soared.” - Church Leaders
“after more than a decade of legal recreational marijuana, we now have significantly more data. Far from being safe, recreational pot is clearly a net loss for public health.” - Breakpoint
“Increased potency of marijuana in the global market is a factor, and lawmakers have ‘decreas[ed] the public’s perception of its harm,’ according to the study’s lead author.” - Breakpoint
“… a new study found that medical marijuana may just have the same pain-relieving effect as a fake pill.” - Relevant
More at The Conversation
“Jah Healing Kemetic Temple of the Divine Church claims it is Christian and ‘believes that the fragrant cane ingredient of the holy anointing oil described in Exodus 30:22 is cannabis.’” - RNS
“the number of heavy users has grown much faster than either the total number of users or the population as a whole. In 2020…there were 2.26 times as many Americans who used marijuana 10 days a month or more.” - IFS