Conservatives Must Know What to Conserve


“For many of these voters, being on the political right is not about being conservative, at least not socially conservative. The result is significant lack of clarity on the political right about what social conservatives hope to conserve.” - Breakpoint


Is There a Post-Religious Right on the Horizon?


“Is there a rising number of non-religious Republicans that are going to take the party in a less socially conservative direction? Let’s see what the data has to say about that.” - Ryan Burge


Platform Integrity Project seeks to preserve a pro-life stand in the GOP


“the initiative encourages the public to encourage and pray for Republican National Committee delegates to preserve the ‘strong pro-life, pro-family and pro-freedom’ elements of the Republican Platform as they meet to draft a new platform in Milwaukee from July 8-9.” - CPost


Can We Unlearn Race?


“the numbers still tell an overwhelmingly one-sided story: white Protestants consistently dwarf every other racial and religious demographic in the GOP electorate…. conservatives and racial issues are oil and water—unmixable and with a highly flammable element.” - Acton
