Are We Scaring Our Kids into Leaving the Faith?


“We often teach our youth that the ‘outside world’ is full of reprobate, evil monsters, and that the moment you graduate from Christian school and step onto a college campus or into a workplace, you’re going to be attacked from all sides—persecuted, mocked and ostracized.” - Pursuing the Pursuer


Teens' screen time linked to ADHD, spiritual problems


“Teens who report high-frequency digital media use are twice as likely to develop attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association reports.” - BPNews


Passion, Guilt, and Narcissism: Growing Up in 2016

As the mother of four young people ranging in age from 15 to 28, I’ve spent the last couple of decades trying to prepare them for the world they will live in.

Along the way I’ve listened to many a fellow parent bemoan the problems of “these kids today.” Memes of children walking around looking at their smartphones are our signposts of The End of Civilization as We Know It.

However, the parents and elders of every generation echo the lament, “These kids today …” There’s a quote, old enough to be sometimes attributed to Plato, which states, “The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”


Teens Read Bible More During the School Year


Teens who “attend church at least once a month, and say their faith is very important in their lives—who read their Bible do so the same amount all year long (73%) … Of those who are left, 18 percent of practicing Protestant teens read more during the school year; only half that amount read more during the unstructured summer (9%).” CT


Letters to a Young Progressive


“I learned that the main problem in higher education is not that we don’t teach religion at the university. The problem is that we teach false religion.” ~Mike Adams’ column at
