Almost half of teens believe many religions may be true, Pew finds


“Among 13- to 17-year-old teenagers, 45 percent believe many religions may be true, far outpacing the 31 percent who believe only one religion is true, Pew said. A much smaller portion, 15 percent, believe there is little to no truth in any religion, and 8 percent believe no religion is true.” - BPNews


Leniency vs. mercy in Oregon’s juvenile justice system


“ ‘When basic long-term needs are not being met—food, shelter, safety, nurturing, etc.—young people will begin to think only short-term,’ Kelly said, adding that Christians ‘need to advocate for a proportional response that balances society’s need for accountability with restoration, forgiveness, and most of all, genuine understanding.’” - WORLD


Technology Promises Connection, but Gen Z Sees a Paradox


“…while teens appreciate the connection and information that tech provides them, they also worry that their devices are cutting both ways: harming their ability to connect to others and making them even more bored than they were before they picked up their device.” - Barna


Pew Survey: Evangelical Teens Differ from Other Christian Teens


“For example, in the area of belief, while almost all young Christians say they believe in God …evangelicals stand out for their level of certainty. Seven-in-ten (71 percent) say they are absolutely certain that God exists. Far fewer mainline Protestants (49 percent) and Catholics (45 percent) say the same.” - TGC


U.S. Data Shows Increase In Youth Drug Use And Addiction


“One of the disturbing findings was that some 699,000 youth aged 12-17 have an addiction to marijuana in 2019 – representing 187,000 new youth with a Cannabis Use Disorder in 2019 versus 2018. Overall, more than 4.8 million people aged 12 or older reported Marijuana Use Disorder in 2019, up from 4.4 million in 2018.” - MCDaily


Why Are So Many Young People Unhappy?


“Though people have more money, better health care, better health, better housing and more education, and live longer than at any time in history, they — especially young people — are unhappier than at any time since data collection began.” - National Review
