Is TikTok Dangerous for Teens?


“TikTok is now the world’s most downloaded app and the world’s #1 most visited website, ahead of Google (#2) and Facebook (#3). Every day, more than one billion different videos are viewed on TikTok. Experts agree that the key to its success is its unique algorithm.” - IFS


Ageism: The real struggle for church staff close to retirement


“When cutting church staff, I’ve heard of cases in which people were pushed out because of their age. Additionally, when hiring, many churches are overt in their search for ministry candidates. ‘We want someone young!’” - CPost


Gen Z wants to spread Gospel by example and understand others, study says


“…according to a new Barna Research study in conjunction with Alpha USA….More than half of Gen Z Christians, 53 percent, have a very positive view of letting the way they live be the primary witness of their faith to non-Christians, compared to 40 percent who have a very positive view of sharing their faith by testimony” -


Generational Humility, the Queen of Virtues for Both the Old and the Young


“The fact that there is a ‘generation gap’ within biblical fundamentalism should not be a surprise to anyone. This is what generations do: gap. The main issue is to determine the best way to bridge the gap. Humility must be exhibited by both the ‘younger’ as well as the ‘older’ ” - P&D


The Most Pivotal Age to Keep Young Adults in Church


“After their sweet sixteenth birthday 73% of eventual church dropouts attend regularly, compared to 79% of those who stayed in church. By 17, the divide grows (64% of dropouts are attending versus 78% on non-dropouts). At 18, less than half of those who drop out are regularly attending (48%)” - Lifeway


Too Young to Dunk? An Examination of Baptists and Baptismal Ages, 1700–1840


“With the help of William Buell Sprague’s Annals of the American Baptist Pulpit, I can examine the accounts of 45 baptisms from 1700 to 1840. Hopefully, this will provide useful insights into how children relate to the church and, perhaps more to the point, when they should be put forward for baptism.” - 9 Marks
