Review of William Boekestein's ‘Finding My Vocation’


Finding My Vocation is a rare achievement. It expresses rich biblical and theological principles (informed by some of the best minds from church history) with simplicity, clarity, and specificity.” - Ref21


Toxic Phones—or a Toxic Culture?


“That is the argument I make in the new edition of my book (October 1) The Collapse of Parenting: namely, that the problems American kids are experiencing are not solely due to smartphones per se, but to an increasingly toxic American youth culture.” - IFS


Taking The Anxious Generation Further


“Claire Morell writes that ‘the tide is finally turning’ when it comes to children, smartphones, and social media. Thanks in large part to Haidt’s work, concerted efforts are being made to reclaim childhood from the pull of the screen.” - Public Discourse

See also…


9 Simple Ways to Engage Gen Z with the Bible


“When I finished speaking, a long line of people formed to ask questions…. they all asked me versions of the same exact question: ‘How do I get my kids to look away from their phone and engage?’” - Word by Word


What Is the Secret to Reaching the Next Generation?


“for the most part, what we really need to do is keep doing the same things that Christians in every age have been called to do: to make disciples and to love one another and to speak the truth and to be kind and ask good questions…. there really is no secret. It’s what it’s always been.” - Kevin DeYoung


GARBC Christian Character Scholarship Announces 2024 Winners


“The 2024 GARBC Christian Character Scholarship competition has awarded a total of $19,500 to 18 high school seniors from Regular Baptist churches. The competition was open to high school seniors who exemplify Christian character and express an ongoing desire to serve God in local churches.” - GARBC


It's Bring Your Bible to School Day


“At least a million students are on track nationally to take their Bibles to school on the 10th annual Bring Your Bible to School Day Oct. 5, event sponsor Focus on the Family (FOTF) told Baptist Press.” - BPNews
