The Rule and Songs of Puritan Worship


“In its simplest terms the regulative principle holds that the Word of God alone regulates, directs, and warrants all elements of worship… . We may worship God only as he has commanded us to do in the Bible.” - Church Leaders


What the Psalter Should Teach Us about the Songs We Sing


“…if the Psalter is indeed a hymnal for God’s people, then shouldn’t we also make sure that our own singing covers both the full breadth of Christian doctrine and the full range of human emotion? Our singing should consist of more than pithy praise choruses. We need to sing songs that boldly proclaim all the truths contained in God’s Word.” - 9 Marks


Do We Really Need to Keep Singing Hymns?


“Another bestselling author can rise in the time it takes to froth a Latte. And they’re gone before you finish your cup. Rich, thoughtful, timeless truths are so hard to come by. How do we cut through the fog? Give me something ancient. Something that has stood the test of time. I want some of that.” - Church Leaders


Churches Say Worship Wars Are Over, But Most Still Use Pianos and Hymnals


“A new study from LifeWay Research found 15% of Protestant pastors in the U.S. say the biggest challenge they face in the area of music is navigating the varying preferences of members. A similar number of pastors say their most significant challenge is leading people to truly worship God (16%).


Planning Theologically-Themed Worship Services


“One of the ways in which we did that was to develop worship services around a theological theme—theology proper that is—some aspect, attribute, activity or characteristic of God. We have developed a list of over 150 themes that we work through every three years or so.” - Proclaim & Defend
