Planning Theologically-Themed Worship Services


“One of the ways in which we did that was to develop worship services around a theological theme—theology proper that is—some aspect, attribute, activity or characteristic of God. We have developed a list of over 150 themes that we work through every three years or so.” - Proclaim & Defend


Then Sings My Soul: Why Congregational Worship Is Broken and How to Fix It

By Matthew Carpenter. Republished with permission from Baptist Bulletin © Regular Baptist Press. All rights reserved.

Every week in churches all across the world, people gather under the banner of Jesus and go through the motions of congregational worship. For some it’s a blessing; for others it’s a chance to critique. Some people disengage all together, and some people just disengage their brains and jack up their emotions.


Can Hymns Be Saved from Extinction?


“The expulsion of hymns from a church can occur either imperceptibly over time or instantaneously, but in many churches they are fading away or already gone. In this context, I propose a way for those who love the hymns of the faith to preserve them. We can save our beloved hymns by reading and pondering them as devotional poems.” - Leland Ryken


A Case for Traditional Music, Part 1

Suppose I told you I have a new car for you. And not just any car: it’s the car you’ve always dreamed of owning, in just the color you imagined it would be. Suppose I hand you the keys and tell you to take it for a spin. I think we all would agree that this would give you a kind of joy.
