Help! Should I Enforce Nonsensical Rules at Work?


“Some of those regulations are good, some are impractical, and some are so poorly thought out they actually contradict one another. My boss has basically told us which regulations to follow and which to ignore.” - TGC


Amazon Primes a Sunday Work Dilemma


“Amazon’s seven-days-a-week schedule has already led to two lawsuits from drivers who were fired for not working on Sundays. Both claimed religious discrimination under Title VII” - C.Today


What Should I Do When My Colleague Overpromises?


“Sometimes I hear my boss promise things I know we can’t deliver. I know he’s just trying to reassure the client and land the sale…. I want to correct him, but I also want to respect him—especially in front of our clients. Is there a way to correct someone so gently it won’t be embarrassing?” - TGC


Do We Need to Confess All Workplace Mistakes?


“If something goes wrong in the workplace, and no one is asked to own the problem, should I speak up and claim fault or should I just fix the problem and move on? What if someone else made the mistake—am I obligated to ‘rat them out’?” - TGC


Can a Christian Replace Employees with AI?


“My regional manager has tasked me with identifying employees who can be replaced by our new digital kiosks. Should I object? … Should I seek out some other alternatives? How can I think about this as a Christian?” - TGC


A test for religious sincerity?


“Linking a personal religious belief to an organized religion’s stated beliefs could be problematic…. Berg noted courts have regarded the relevant religious belief in such cases as that of the individual, not the group to which he or she belongs.” - WORLD
