The Way of Wisdom

A sermon delivered on Thursday evening, March 28, 1872, by C. H. Spurgeon, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.

There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture’s eye hath not seen; the lion’s whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it. (Job 28: 7, 8)


Risk, Uncertainty, and the Lies We Tell Ourselves about the Difference


“John Kay and Mervyn King seek to resurrect for day-to-day decision-making the significance of distinguishing between risk and uncertainty in Radical Uncertainty. They press the relevance and significance of the older distinction between decision-making under risk and decision-making under uncertainty.” - Law & Liberty


Overmiller on lemmings vs. walking wisely


“We often take our cues and form our views from whatever the news media tells us, or whatever social issues are trending at the time, or whatever our body and emotions want to do at the moment. Consider, for instance, what happened in the city of Ephesus not long before Paul wrote this letter to the church in that city.” - P&D


On How You’re Remembered (Strategery)


“ ‘Dan,’ he said, ‘someday you’re going to die.’ And I wondered, what does that have to do with tax protest? ‘And when you die,’ he continued, ‘you’re going to be remembered for something. You need to decide whether this is what you want to be remembered for.’” - Dan Olinger


Sometimes It’s Best to Express Your Wisdom in Silence


“An ultracrepidarian is someone who goes ‘beyond the shoe.’ He is ‘one who is presumptuous and offers advice or opinions beyond his sphere of knowledge.’ Or ‘someone who has no special knowledge of a subject but who expresses an opinion about it.’ Apelles’ concern was that the shoemaker should stick with his area of expertise and not presume to be an expert on everything.” - Challies


The Contradiction of the Negligent ‘Helicopter Parent’


“The flip side of ‘helicopter parenting’ is the almost shocking level of neglect those same parents occasionally show their kids. These parents can be extremely overbearing in certain areas, often insignificant ones. At the same time, they are indifferent towards other, more important parts of their children’s upbringing.” - Intellectual Takeout
