I’m still learning from my Mom


“…my mom said people are more likely to listen to those who don’t talk all the time. Because she didn’t, I have lessons from her I’ll never forget.” - BPNews


Prudence and Populism


“Edmund Burke warned that in poorly ordered democracies, ‘moderation will be stigmatized as the virtue of cowards; and compromise as the prudence of traitors.’” - Law & Liberty


What to Say When You Don’t Have the Full Story


“Frequently in the church and maybe especially in ministry, we’re told about a challenging situation and invited to make a response. And often we know only one small part of the whole story.” - TGC


Seek Wisdom in the Age of Algorithms


“So how do we order our lives for God’s glory and our neighbor’s good in an age of algorithmic flattery? Here are seven considerations.” - TGC


What’s the Hard Decision You Need to Make?


A very short pep talk: “I know it’s hard, but that’s why you’re the leader. It’s your job to make the difficult decisions no one else wants to make.” - Cooke


What Should I Do When My Colleague Overpromises?


“Sometimes I hear my boss promise things I know we can’t deliver. I know he’s just trying to reassure the client and land the sale…. I want to correct him, but I also want to respect him—especially in front of our clients. Is there a way to correct someone so gently it won’t be embarrassing?” - TGC
