Work Hard. And Don’t Forget to Rest


“You were made to work. But you weren’t made to only work. ‘The seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God: in it thou shalt not do any work.’” - Ref21


Laboring is a Privilege, Opportunity and Obligation


“Writing in his book, Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work, the late Dr. Tim Keller frames the larger purpose of our employment…. ‘if the purpose of work is to serve and exalt something beyond ourselves, then we actually have a better reason to deploy our talent, ambition, and entrepreneurial vigor.’” - Daily Citizen


From the Archives – Five Reasons to Preach a Series on Work

In my five decades of attending Bible-preaching churches I’ve heard precisely one sermon series on work. It was my own, and was pretty weak.

It’s possible that the topic has been receiving systematic attention all over the place all these years, and I’ve just managed to miss nearly all of it. But I think not.


Defining Success in My 9-to-5 Job


“God doesn’t need our work. That’s not the point. Paul gave us these instructions because this will bring the greatest joy to us when we work this way” - John Piper


Christian Vocation Disrupts the Culture


“Tim Keller writes, ‘A job is a vocation only if someone else calls you to do it and you do it for them rather than for yourself.’ Vocational calling isn’t found within; we receive it from another.” - TGC


All Who Labor Will Be Heavy Laden & Need Rest


everyone who does any kind of work will be heavy laden. No one is exempt from the curse God pronounced on work after Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:16-19). This is true for believers and unbelievers.” - IFWE


Going to Work in a Genesis 3 World


“After the fall, outside the garden, work is not a pretty picture. Yet that’s the context in which we all work today. Every fallen weakness described above is present in every workplace every day.” - Common Good
