God’s Will and Your Job


“We understand that life is more than work. We devote periods of time to recreation, sleep, play, and other activities not directly part of our principal employment or labor. However, the element of our lives that is taken up by work is so encompassing and time-consuming that we tend to understand our personal identity in the light of our work.” - Ligonier


How to Understand Our Vocations as Culture Makers


“for most of us, it can be difficult to feel like our work matters to God. How can we know that our work is bringing glory to God when it doesn’t seem all that special?” - IFWE


The Value of Work & Picking Blueberries


“My plan was to mindlessly gather berries into my bucket, but it was far more valuable than that. During the time I had to myself, I reflected on the many blessings of being a co-worker with God, as I worked in his presence to harvest what others had cultivated from what he had created.” - IFWE


You Already Work a Christian Job


“A job is worthy of our efforts if it harmonizes with God’s original mandate that humans steward the earth in submission to him (Gen. 1:28). Legitimate work must serve God by serving people.” - TGC


‘Polyworking’—A New Term for a Very Bad (and Old) Thing


“When I was still teaching at a state university in Georgia, one of the most alarming developments I noticed was the rise in the number of overwhelmed and exhausted students who were trying to balance multiple low-paying, part-time jobs just to make ends meet.” - IFWE


Say No to Retirement & Yes to Redirection


“It is God’s call on our lives—our whole lives—that makes me see the idea of retirement as a myth. Now more than ever, I believe we are in a time where we are being stirred to action to use the gifts God has placed in us, no matter what stage of life we are in.” - IFWE


God’s Good Gift of Hobbies


“Outside of work, I found myself planning astronomy outings to the desert, tracking news on space programs, and reading books on what the intelligent design community had learned in relation to astronomy and God’s amazing and necessary involvement in developing our universe.” - IFWE


Work Hard. And Don’t Forget to Rest


“You were made to work. But you weren’t made to only work. ‘The seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God: in it thou shalt not do any work.’” - Ref21
