Screen Sabbaths: A Modest Proposal for a Digital World


“if Christians are going to heed the summons of Romans 12:2 in a smartphone age…we will need to do more than resist the false content on our phones. We will need to resist the false gravitational presence our phones so subtly exert upon us.” - Desiring God


A New Sharper Iron Is Coming

Though I had hoped to hand the site off to another individual or group a few years ago, that still hasn’t worked out. Meanwhile, web technology has raced on. The CMS (Content Management System) is built on will soon reach, as they say in the software biz, end of life.

For that and other reasons, a new site is going through its birth pangs and, Lord willing, will deliver “soon.”

How soon? That is yet to be determined.


Seek Wisdom in the Age of Algorithms


“So how do we order our lives for God’s glory and our neighbor’s good in an age of algorithmic flattery? Here are seven considerations.” - TGC
