Help! I Messed Up with My Kids’ Technology


“If I’d known how bad social media was going to be for my kids, I would never have given them a phone. They’re older now—in their late teens and early 20s—and are wrestling with issues like eating disorders, addiction, and sexuality. I feel like I totally messed up. What can I do?” - TGC


The Rise in Mobile Gambling Isn’t Good for Anyone


“The National Council on Problem Gambling found that 40 percent of people ages 18-44 gambled online last year, more than double the rate of those ages 45-54. A quarter of young people say they started gambling online more during the Covid pandemic.” - Relevant


Bad News: Reading the News Too Much Is Terrible For Your Mental Health


“Some people get a little too caught up in the news, right? Not you, of course…. just in case, you might want to check into a new study from Taylor and Francis, that found compulsive news consumption is a true terror for your mental health and even takes a toll on your physical health.” - Relevant


The Six Laws of Technology


“This was Kranzberg’s first law …. He understood that the impact of a technology would be determined by its geographic and cultural context. This means it can often be good and bad at the same time.” - C.Leaders


Review: God, Technology, and the Christian Life


“many Christians get hung up on the most powerful technologists in the world who are inventing the most threatening innovation on earth…. Reckoning with God’s power over big tech is essential for many Christians who must resolve this obstacle before they can see and worship God for the tens of thousands of innovations they use every day.” - Ref21


Put Not Thy Trust in Technology (Social Media as a Tower of Babel)


“The post-Babel situation is, according to Haidt, a disaster and the ‘best metaphor he has encountered’ for ‘the fractured country we now inhabit.’ Haidt imagines the post-Babel world to be one in which people wandered amid the ruins of the destroyed city ‘unable to communicate, condemned to mutual incomprehension.’” - Law & Liberty
