Three Lines in the Sand

Note: “Three Lines in the Sand, Part 4,” has been removed.


Three Lines in the Sand, Part 2

In the first part of this presentation, I suggested incorrectly that the issue that resulted in several churches pulling out of the IFBAM was Calvinism. The issue actually was something different. My apology to Dave Doran of Inter-City Baptist Church, the IFBAM, and anyone else that was hurt by that incorrect analysis. We’ll try to do better with “the facts.” Straight Ahead…..Joel


Three Lines in the Sand, Part 1

An Analysis of Type A, B, and C Fundamentalism

(My apology that this article has been slow in coming. I had hoped to publish this in late summer. We have been so busy here at Southeast Valley Baptist Church that I simply have not been able to take the time to finish this until now. Blessings on you as you read and think through the issues found here. Looking forward to future interaction here regardless of what “type” you are. Straight Ahead! Joel)


I Am a Fundamentalist Review

Note: This article was originally posted November 1, 2005.

Rice, John R. I Am a Fundamentalist. Sword of the Lord Publishers. Murfreesboro, TN. 1975.


Albert Mohler on Doctrinal Triage: A Response

In The Nick Of TimeBP News is the official press of the Southern Baptist Convention. In a recent “First‐Person” article (August 23, 2006), Albert Mohler issued “A Call for Theological Triage and Christian Maturity.” The article, which has been posted twice on Mohler’s own blog, reiterates an argument that he has repeated in several venues. It is an important argument, and Mohler expresses it thoughtfully.
