Separation from Professing Brethren- Notes toward an Understanding

The following notes were presented by Dr. Kevin Bauder, president of Cental Baptist Theological Seminary of Plymouth, MN, at a workshop at the 2006 National Leadership Convention at Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary, Lansdale, Pennsylvania. They were originally published at SharperIron on March 8, 2006.

I. Definitions.

A. Professing Brother.


Biblical Baptist---Faith and Practice

Note: Dr. Richard V. Clearwaters was pastor of the Fourth Baptist Church in Minneapolis from 1940-1981. He led the Minnesota Baptist Convention out of the Northern Baptist Convention and convened the first section of the Conservative Baptist Association. During those years, he also founded Pillsbury Baptist Bible College and Central Baptist Theological Seminary. During the struggles within the Northern Baptist Convention and the Conservative Baptist Association, Dr.


"An unwillingness to confront churches in our association ... is far more threatening to the ... GARBC than continuing to associate with Cedarville."


“An unwillingness to confront churches in our association who are actively participating in … a theologically pragmatic and anthropocentric Purpose-Driven model of ministry is far more threatening to the … GARBC than continuing to associate with Cedarville.”
Ken fields notes that the GARBC has A Fundamental Problem


Graceful Modesty

Concerns over our immodest culture are not swirling in the religious sector alone. Scrambling to bring a semblance of decency to the educational process, the Florida public schools in my own beloved Pinellas County declared a “classroom cover-up” war this past year, initiating a strict dress code that even prohibits sleeveless garments.
