Southern Baptists and the Southern Baptist Convention

Trump commended for halt to border family separations


“ ‘This is a good first step. Now let’s fix this system,’ said Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC). ‘We can have security while still showing compassion to those fleeing violence.’” BPress


Georgia church expelled from Southern Baptist Convention over racial discrimination


“The 80-plus member [Executive Committee], which acts on behalf of the Southern Baptist Convention when it is not in session, followed the recommendation of its officers and severed the evangelical denomination’s relationship with the church for ‘clear evidence of the church’s intentional discriminatory acts.’” RNS


Patterson denies mishandling 'reported abuse'


“For my words, demeanor, sentiments, or disposition to have been twisted to suggest the very antithesis to who I am and the biblical message I have presented over half a century not only is crushing to me and my family but also inevitably proves hurtful to others in the process,” Patterson wrote. BPNews


SBC Says Women Not Barred From Presidency, Pastor Dwight McKissic Suggests Beth Moore


“ ‘Other than being a member of a church that cooperates with the Convention, I am aware of no SBC constitution or bylaw statement that would prohibit the election of a woman as SBC president,’ Roger ‘Sing’ Oldham, vice president for convention communications and relations, told The Christian Post in a statement Thursday.”


UPDATED: Patterson attorney claims 'misrepresentation'


An attorney for terminated Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary President Paige Patterson issued a media release late Monday afternoon (June 4) defending Patterson against alleged “wide-spread misrepresentation and misinformation.” BPNews
