Southern Baptists and the Southern Baptist Convention

Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality: “Helpful Tools?”


“The [Founder’s Ministries film, ‘By What Standard?’] begins with the vote on a controversial resolution at the 2019 annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Resolution 9 passed, so the SBC adopted CRT/I as ‘analytical tools [that] can aid in evaluating a variety of human experiences.’” - WORLD


What’s this inconsistent use of autonomy, anyway?


“We will see next month what the SBC Executive Committee does with their in-house Credentials Committee that has a process for receiving complaints about churches. I’m presuming that someone filed a complaint about the church at which Paige Patterson is scheduled to speak.


Randy Adams to be nominated for SBC president


“Adams said that if elected, he would aim to focus on the SBC’s Great Commission efforts, rebuilding trust among the Convention’s churches, entities and other organizations, reported the Northwest Baptist Witness….The only other nominee for the SBC presidency thus far is R.


The Credentials Committee: A Call for Patience (Susan Codone & Megan Lively)


“The SBC Credentials Committee released its first set of guidelines yesterday. For the most part, these guidelines seem appropriate for a committee guarding the credentials necessary to be a Southern Baptist church. Some have questioned the guideline that ‘No submission will be received that is anonymous.’” - SBC Voices


What Does Autonomy Mean for the SBC?


“This legal authority of the Convention is limited by its constitution, Article IV, Authority: ‘While independent and sovereign in its own sphere, the Convention does not claim and will never attempt to exercise authority over any other Baptist body, whether a church, auxiliary organization, or convention.’ This limitation is prompted by the theological proposition that each church is independent and autonomous.” -
