Southern Baptists and the Southern Baptist Convention

Mark Dever joins Southern Baptist Theological Seminary faculty


“During convocation, Mohler announced the inauguration of two endowed faculty positions featuring central figures in both the Southern Baptist Convention and Southern Seminary: Mark Dever as the Duke K. McCall Professor of Pastoral Leadership and Robert L. Plummer as the Collin and Evelyn Aikman Professor of Biblical Studies.” - BPNews


Akin, Mohler dispute claim of SBC liberal drift


“Danny Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in North Carolina, and R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kentucky, issued statements to Baptist Press July 31 after Tom Ascol, president of Founders Ministries, defended the upcoming video/documentary titled ‘By What Standard.’” - BPNews


Panel examines women's role in Southern Baptist Convention


Danny Akin: “There is an essential equality between men and women,” he said, “and yet within that framework God has established distinctive roles and assignments for men and for women, and we rejoice in that good gift of God.” - BPNews


SBC messengers vote to expel churches over racial discrimination, mishandling sexual abuse


“Messengers at the Southern Baptist Convention overwhelmingly voted on Tuesday to expel churches accused of racial discrimination and mishandling cases of sexual abuse….Messengers also voted to amend the SBC’s bylaws to give the SBC’s Credentials Committee the power to investigate complaints against churches in instances of sexual abuse or racism and make recommendations for action.” -


SBC sexual abuse study unveils ‘key findings’


J.D. Greear’s Sexual Abuse Advisory Group (SAAG) released its initial report today (June 8) as part of an ongoing process to assess current needs and develop recommendations” - BRnow
