Southern Baptists and the Southern Baptist Convention

The Long History of Baptists and Division


“There is nothing inherently wrong in disagreement, or even in dividing into groups over those divisions. The danger comes when we are not honest in our actions and transparent about our motives.” - SBC Voices


Southern Baptist leaders issue joint statement on the death of George Floyd


“While we thank God for our law enforcement officers that bravely risk their lives for the sake of others and uphold justice with dignity and integrity, we also lament when some law enforcement officers misuse their authority and bring unnecessary harm on the people they are called to protect.” - BPNews


“America is not the new Israel, chosen by God.”


“There’s nothing wrong with patriotism – the Bible never opposes the concept of national borders – but our citizenship is in heaven and if we forget that, patriotism can easily become idolatry.” - SBC Voices


True in 98, True Now: Resolution on Moral Character of Public Officials

Resolution on Moral Character of Public Officials

Salt Lake City, Utah – 1998

WHEREAS, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (Proverbs 14:34 NAS); and

WHEREAS, Serious allegations continue to be made about moral and legal misconduct by certain public officials; and
