Catholic Church Now Formally Opposes Death Penalty In All Cases
“It’s a shift for the church, which used to consider the death penalty a “means of safeguarding the common good” in response to ‘certain crimes.’” - Church Now Formally Opposes Death Penalty In All Cases
Why Catholics and Jews dominate at the Supreme Court
“Kavanaugh’s inclusion on the court would preserve the Catholic majority, with six justices reared and formed in that tradition. (Neil Gorsuch attends an Episcopal Church but grew up Catholic and attended the same Catholic high school as Kavanaugh.)” - RNS
'The use of rap music is not allowed in preaching,' Catholic Church suspends rapping priest
“Father Ogalo says he was simply trying to ‘bring the youth closer to the church,’ in an interview with local media.” CNN
After Abortion Vote, Is Ireland Still Catholic?
“How does a country that only seven years ago had nearly 70 percent of its population declare themselves Roman Catholic ignore the heeding of the church?” WRN