End prohibition on church political speech, senator's commission recommends


“The Commission on Accountability and Policy for Religious Organizations stated that its members and 66 others who served on three panels created by the commission had ‘much accord’ that ‘a member of the clergy should be permitted to say whatever he or she believes is appropriate in the context of a religious worship service without fear of government reprisal, even when such communications include content related to political candidates.’”


First Amendment liberties: "fewer than 1 in 4 are able to name the freedom of religion"


“Can you name the five freedoms guaranteed to American citizens by the First Amendment?
Nearly 6 in 10 Americans are able to name the freedom of speech. Yet fewer than 1 in 4 are able to name the freedom of religion, according to new research from the First Amendment Center. (Meanwhile, more than one-third of Americans are unable to name any of the five.)”
