Dr. James Dobson insists he will not ‘bow before’ Obama’s ‘wicked’ abortion mandate


Renowned evangelical leader Dr. James Dobson has joined the chorus of religious leaders opposing Obama’s new healthcare plan, insisting that he will “not bow before” the President’s “wicked regulation.” “I WILL NOT pay the surcharge for abortion services,” Dobson declares in a new column for WorldNetDaily. “So come and get me if you must, Mr. President.


Vanderbilt University: Christian Leaders need not be Christian


A Christian student group at Vanderbilt University has been told by the school’s administration that it will lose its recognized status on campus unless the group removes its requirement that its leaders have a “personal commitment to Jesus Christ,” says a Christian legal association. Despite a discussion with school officials at the beginning of the year that led members of the group to believe their bylaws were approved, the group was told last week that the university’s new polic


What's Going On At Vanderbilt?


What we see at Vanderbilt University is secularism with its gloves off. In the name of tolerance, it will not tolerate orthodox Christian conviction. The university now comes full circle and forces off campus the only organizations that hold to the Christian beliefs of the school’s founders. Look carefully at Vanderbilt’s intolerance.


Top Saudi Cleric Issues Fatwa: Destroy Churches


Those efforts recently received a dramatic setback when the top religious official in Saudi Arabia issued a fatwa earlier this month calling on the faithful to destroy all churches in the Arabian peninsula. The ruling came in response to a request from a Kuwaiti legislator who wanted to know if under Islamic principles the government of Kuwait could ban church construction in the country.
