Anti-Semitism in the US today is a variation on an old theme


“Senators Jacky Rosen and James Lankford, who describe themselves as ‘a practicing Jewish Democrat from Nevada and a devoted Christian Republican from Oklahoma,’ are spearheading a new effort to fight an old problem: anti-Semitism in America.” - RNS


Christian Persecution and the Origins of Religious Freedom


Tertullian “asserted that it is a ‘fundamental human right, a privilege of nature, that every man should worship according to his own convictions.’ He was the first to argue for religious toleration as a general principle and, in so doing, coined the phrase ‘freedom of religion’ (libertas religionis).” - IFWE


Which Model Best Serves Religious Freedom for All?


“There are three major models on offer in today’s world, the first two being the dominant models in most countries at the present moment….The sacred public square….The naked public square [secularism]….The civic public square” - Os Guinness


A New Lockean Manuscript and the Limits of Religious Toleration


“In the Letter Concerning Toleration, Locke stressed the magistrate’s incapacity to establish which is the true Christian faith, a position few would dispute. But his approach to toleration requires that we at least establish what religion is and what it isn’t, an equally difficult task.” - The Public Discourse


British Tribunal: Belief in Genesis Incompatible with Human Dignity


“According to the court, Dr. Mackereth’s genuinely held beliefs as well as lack of beliefs are ‘incompatible with human dignity and conflict with the fundamental rights of others, specifically here, transgender individuals.’” - CBMW
