Should Christians Resist Their Governors?


“We don’t like submission, we like to rule. This was the first sin - a desire to be as gods and determine what is right and wrong on our own - and it continues to be the source of all our sin. We do not want this man, that man, or any man for that matter, to rule over us (Luke 19:14).


The sad, intolerant legal campaign against Christian baker Jack Phillips continues


“On Thursday, Phillips and his attorneys … asked a state court to dismiss a case brought against them not by the state of Colorado, which after years has seemingly given up on persecuting the Christian baker, but by an angry transgender lawyer and activist now pursuing him for declining to make a cake explicitly celebrating gender transition.” - W. Examiner


Secular vaccination foes defend a needless religious exemption


“The anti-vaxxers have been out in force at the Connecticut State House ….The object of their ire is House Bill 5044, which would do away with religious exemptions that allow children who attend public or private schools to pass on vaccinations.” - RNS
