A New Lockean Manuscript and the Limits of Religious Toleration


“In the Letter Concerning Toleration, Locke stressed the magistrate’s incapacity to establish which is the true Christian faith, a position few would dispute. But his approach to toleration requires that we at least establish what religion is and what it isn’t, an equally difficult task.” - The Public Discourse


British Tribunal: Belief in Genesis Incompatible with Human Dignity


“According to the court, Dr. Mackereth’s genuinely held beliefs as well as lack of beliefs are ‘incompatible with human dignity and conflict with the fundamental rights of others, specifically here, transgender individuals.’” - CBMW


Trump to form group for workplace religious freedom


“A new coalition of U.S. businesses to protect religious freedom in the workplace is among U.S. President Donald Trump’s latest initiatives, Trump said Monday (Sept. 23) at the United Nations headquarters in New York.” - BPNews
