This is Why Singing and Chanting Are Banned in CA Churches Right Now


“The order, issued on July 1, includes sanitation guidelines for church buildings, suggests shortened services, and temporarily prohibits items that move among congregants, such as offering plates. Churches aren’t the sole focus of the order, with venues such as bars, restaurants, theaters, and museums being shuttered for at least three weeks.” - C.Leaders


The True Extent of Religious Liberty in America, Explained


“I’m going to outline the key federal statutory and constitutional protections for religious liberty and religious Americans that exist now, today, after Bostock and why I believe that, if anything, many of these protections are more likely to be extended, not restricted, in the coming days and weeks. So, here goes:” - David French


Religious liberty lawsuit challenges Illinois abortion insurance mandate


“The Illinois Baptist State Association (IBSA) … is among three plaintiffs in a lawsuit the nonprofit Thomas More Society filed Wednesday (June 10) in Sangamon County Circuit Court challenging the Illinois Reproductive Health Act’s abortion coverage mandate.” - BPNews
