Is Allowing Abortion Exceptions the ‘Best Way to Be Pro-Life’?


“…more than half of pro-lifers (57 percent) think abortion is allowable if the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, and also two-thirds (71 percent) think abortion should be legal if a woman’s life would be endangered. Are they right?” - TGC


On Abortion, Don’t Fight Crazy With Crazy


“Jack Posobiec is an on-air personality at One America News and has been a prominent part of a wide variety of … crazy conspiracies that self-respecting pro-lifers should want absolutely nothing to do with. Whether it’s Pizzagate, the murder of Seth Rich, or doxxing Roy Moore’s accusers, Posobiec is in the thick of it.” - Bulwark


"The film is many things—gritty, harsh, unsettling, inspiring—but it is above all thought-provoking and challenging."


“God’s mercy is referenced during the film, but in a vague, theologically accommodating manner that a Bible-believing Christian will find the need to expand on in significant ways. With that said, Abby’s story leads into the gospel so well, with questions about forgiveness and the basis for forgiveness, even to the repentant director of a clinic who was complicit in more than 22,000 abortions.” - Greg Linscott


Recent Gallup Survey on Abortion Offers Hope to Pro-Lifers


“While 60 percent of respondents think that abortion should be “generally legal” during the first trimester, support falls to 28 percent in the second trimester and only 13 percent during the third trimester.” NReview


Roe v. Wade 'survivors' defend right to life


“People from across the nation and around world rallied Friday (Jan. 19) at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. for the annual March for Life just three days prior to the 45th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that legalized abortion on demand across the nation.
