Pastors and sometimes ‘clergy’ in general

Are our pulpits full of preachers who want to quit but haven't yet?


“Even if we haven’t seen a dramatic increase in pastoral attrition, many people believe it’s still coming…. If the bubble does burst later this year or next, all eyes are on three demographics: pastors early in their careers, those nearing retirement, and bivocational ministers.” - C.Today


Is It ‘Ministry Failure’ To See a Counselor?


“instead of protesting the ‘rights and wrongs’ of counseling, let’s start from a point of agreement that our holistic health contains aspects—physical, spiritual, intellectual, and emotional health—that God created in us and are, thus, worthy of our care.” - Lifeway


Results are in from Lifeway's 2022 Greatest Needs of Pastors study


“Of the 44 needs identified by pastors and included in the study, 17 were selected by a majority as an issue they need to address.Developing leaders and volunteers: 77% Fostering connections with unchurched people: 76% People’s apathy or lack of commitment: 75%…” - Lifeway


Research: Habits of Pastors Who Endure in Ministry; How You can Help


“The following 12 practices were identified by comparing current pastors with former pastors who had left the pastorate before retirement age. We analyzed which questions most strongly predict whether a pastor continues to serve as a senior pastor.” - Lifeway


Should we counsel an unbeliever?


“Consider how we might talk to our own unbelieving children. Do we wait to talk to them about wisdom issues until they repent and believe? Of course not!” - DBTS


The Bi-vocational Revolution Most Churches Are Missing


“Though we don’t have precise data, we estimate that there are over one million bi-vocational pastors and church staff in North America alone. That number is increasing during the pandemic. Indeed, most churches have at least one bi-vocational staff member.” - Thom Rainer


10 Ways to Bless Your Pastors This Month


“One of the most meaningful gifts I ever received was not for me but for my wife. A member noticed her tires were getting worn, so he gave us a new set of tires––and washed our car!” - Lifeway
