What Was the Burning Bush? Theophany and the Glory of God


“In theology, such an activity as this—a bush with fire burning within it, but not being consumed—is said to be contra naturam, meaning ‘against nature.’… What Moses saw in this fire was a supernatural, visible manifestation of the glory of God.” - R.C. Sproul


New Research Confirms Postflood Dispersal of Humanity


“the dispersal of humanity described in Genesis 10–11 need not be considered a fantastic element. The data provide no warrant, scientific or otherwise, to abandon or alter the traditional historical doctrine of biblical inerrancy.” - Hugh Ross


Dueling Midrash: Satan vs. Jesus in the Temptation in the Wilderness (Part 2)

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(Psalm 2:7-9; Psalm 91:1; Matthew 4:5-7, 10)

In the last installment, we began to ponder the temptation of Jesus from the angle of rabbinic debate and midrash, Satan pitted against Jesus. We introduced this subject and looked at the first temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. Today we will discuss Yeshua’s final two temptations. It is probable Jesus and Satan engaged in much more discussion than is recorded. We must remember that the Gospels are brief summaries.


Dueling Midrash: Satan vs. Jesus in the Temptation in the Wilderness (Part 1)

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(Matt. 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13)

Most Christians do not think of Jesus’ wilderness temptation as including extensive debate between two rabbis who were arguing over midrash (appropriate interpretation). The debate between Jesus and Satan could well have been an extensive debate; perhaps many Bible passages were hurled back and forth with only a few summary examples mentioned.


Discipleship in the Gospels: Assumptions Examined – Discipleship in the Original Jewish Context, Part 3

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We have previously looked at how Elijah and Elisha set the tone for the relationship of a rabbi to his disciples. We also noted how the miracles Elijah and Elisha performed perhaps set the tone for Jesus’ miracles. In today’s post, we distinguish between the contemporary usage of “discipleship” and actual discipleship as demonstrated in the Gospels.1


In Context: The Disciple and His Rabbi: Discipleship in the Original Jewish Context, Part 2

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How the Elijah/Elisha Model Foreshadowed and Possibly Influenced Jesus’ Ministry

(Discipleship in the Original Jewish Context, continued…)

When Protestants have visions, they usually have visions of Jesus. When Roman Catholics have visions, they often have visions of Mary. And when Jews have visions, they typically have visions of Elijah. He is a central figure among devout Jews.
