Reining in the practice of high-interest payday lending


“The effective interest rate on payday loans is staggering—the interest rate for a $50 loan that requires the debtor to pay $70 in a month is 40 percent, which translates to 480 percent per year.” WORLD


Is "Financial Independence" Biblical?


“Having enough money so we don’t have to work anymore or don’t need any money or people to help us? Is that the abundant life Jesus is talking about? I am not so sure.” IFWE


On Being Generous

This article is an add-in to the series of posts on Tipping, Tithing, and Grace Giving (Part 8). As I have continued to study what the Scriptures say about grace giving, I have seen an emphasis on generosity through both the Old and New Testaments. Grace giving is by definition generous.

I ordered an ice cream cone one time and watched as the server prepared it. She pushed the first scoop all the way to the bottom of the cone. She packed the second so it was even with the top. On this solid foundation, she constructed a towering ice cream edifice that looked like it would fall over any second, but held firm as she placed it in my hand. As I lapped at the overspill, I thought, “Wow, I got more than my money’s worth on this one.” The menu offered one scoop or two. She gave me way more. That’s the way to serve an ice cream cone! No hollow, soggy cone that caves in on empty space as you near the end. Delicious, creamy goodness from the first lick down to the last cold, crunchy bite.


Book Review - Is College Worth It?

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William (Bill) Bennett was Secretary of Education under Ronald Reagan and apparently is now a talk-show host (though I’ve never heard his program, nor even heard mention of it outside this book).
