On Retiring


“It is enough, in the most positive sense of that clause. The Lord gives good gifts to his people, and he gives them abundantly. So what’s next? Don’t know. I’ve done some thinking about it, but I haven’t finalized my priorities yet.” - Dan Olinger


Investing in the Future: Helping Others Take Their Next Step in Serving Christ


“God has graciously allowed us to mentor, support, and send out several men…. Their stories are a testament to what God can do when a church is committed to investing in individuals, encouraging them, and walking with them as they step into the ministries God has called them to.” - GARBC


On Following Models in Ministry

I have learned from many different models in ministry.

These would include my own pastors, as well as all types of other Christian leaders.


GuideStone survey spotlights pastors’ struggle with physical, financial, mental stresses


“The survey findings revealed that many pastors struggle with their level of financial knowledge. Fewer than half said they were somewhat or very well prepared for financial matters by their college, seminary or first employer in ministry, while 48% said they put off thinking about financial matters because they don’t feel knowledgeable in that area.” - The Baptist Paper


Ministry Workers Attend Refine Conference


“The Baptist Network Northwest partnered with Corban University to host the fellowship’s Refine Conference. Nearly 100 ministry workers attended the two-day event.” - RBM


Internships: More than Cheap Labor


Pastor Ross Shannon…. “started a formal internship program, one that runs every year. Ross hopes the model will catch on, so he invited me to a discussion with him, Associate Pastor Kevin Moses, and one of the church’s interns, Caleb TeBeest.” - GARBC


Tool Belts, Seminaries, and Gen Z


“I had gone to seminary to prepare for ministry, and I was not prepared for ministry. I was prepared academically to begin a life of teaching, which is, of course, invaluable. But in terms of the vocation of ministry beyond teaching?” - James Emery White
