Marriage Advice from John Chrysostom


“Although imperfect and at times reflective of his culture, Chrysostom’s advice on marriage reminds us that marriage is permanent and, therefore, it must be entered with great care and sustained by mutual love and respect.” - DBTS Blog


1-in-3: A Record Share of Young Adults Will Never Marry


“Many commentators will blame these declines on the increased delay in marriage…. the situation is extreme at higher ages, too. As the figure below shows, ever-married shares today are at historic lows for 35-year-old and 45-year-old men and women.” - IFS


Married People Are Living Their Best Lives


“In 2023, married adults ages 25 to 50 are 17 percentage points more likely to be thriving than adults who never married, up from 12 percentage points in 2009.” - IFS


Staying Together for the Kids’ Sake

On a gushing Facebook post, a parent proudly proclaims with an abundance of heart emojis, “I love my kids to the moon and back!” Do you, really?

Scrolling through Facebook, I sometimes see a Christian friend whose wife does not look the same as I remember her, or else she has mysteriously disappeared from all of his pictures. I then realize that his old wife is gone. Divorce has struck another home! It breaks my heart to see so many marriages dissolving within the body of Christ.


Challenging the No-Fault Divorce Regime


“When divorce is difficult or impossible to secure, marriage is thought of as an enduring, tighter community, and small irritants can be forgotten or forgiven. When divorce is easy to secure, partners in a marriage tend to think of themselves as individuals first before marriage partners” - IFS


If Satan Took Up Marriage Counseling


“If Satan took up marriage counseling, he would want people to believe that … before marriage is about giving oneself to another person to love and to serve, marriage is about a sense of personal well-being and fulfillment.” - Challies


Is a 50/50 Division of Household Labor Ideal?


“Different couples have different skills and interests. But aiming for a 50/50 split in household labor, childcare, and paid work seems to me to be a misguided goal. There is no formula that results in a ‘fair’ or ‘equal’ marriage” - IFS
