How Comfortable Are Americans with LGBTQ Friends?


“Those with a close personal relationship to someone who is transgender are only slightly more comfortable with learning that a friend is transgender (62%) than those who know an acquaintance who is transgender (57%)… one-third of those who don’t know anybody who is transgender say they would be comfortable learning that a friend is transgender (32%).” - PRRI


PRRI research: LGBTQ Americans Tend to Be Younger and Have No Religion


“PRRI’s researchers found that about 10% of Americans overall — almost half (46%) of them under the age of 30 — identify as LGBTQ: 3% as gay or lesbian, 4% as bisexual and 2% as something else. Nearly one-quarter of Americans under 30 identify as LGBTQ (23%).” - C.Leaders


Rise in LGBTQ+ population slows


“After climbing steadily for almost a decade, the percentage of Americans who identify as LGBTQ remained steady at 7.2% in 2022, according to the latest Gallup survey.” - BPNews
