‘No further revisions to the Seoul Statement,’ Lausanne leaders say


“The statement’s unexpected publication on the first day of the event [last year] and last-minute edits to sections related to homosexuality triggered controversy among participants who felt they did not have any opportunity to shape the document, which would remain as a historic statement from the Congress.” - CPost


Lausanne edits Seoul Statement paragraphs on same-sex ethics and church life


“The biblical insistence that Christians must resist temptation and so maintain sexual holiness, in both desire and behavior, applies equally to heterosexually attracted individuals as it does to same-sex attracted persons. We acknowledge, however, that Christians who are same-sex attracted face challenges even in Christian communities.” - CPost


Heresy presented as mercy


“In The Widening of God’s Mercy, the father and son team now offer a call for the full inclusion of LGBTQ persons in the Church and its ministry…. a book released almost 30 years ago by the elder Hays, The Moral Vision of the New Testament, is one of the most-cited works of New Testament scholarship that presents a clear argument that the Bible condemns homosexual behaviors.” - World


Support Drops for Same-Sex ‘Marriage’


“A recent poll by the Public Religion Research Institute found that support for same-sex “marriage” dropped by at least two points last year, and support for “gay rights” anti-discrimination policies fell by four points.” - Breakpoint

Related: Same-Sex Relations, Marriage Still Supported by Most in U.S. - Gallup
