Lausanne edits Seoul Statement paragraphs on same-sex ethics and church life
“The biblical insistence that Christians must resist temptation and so maintain sexual holiness, in both desire and behavior, applies equally to heterosexually attracted individuals as it does to same-sex attracted persons. We acknowledge, however, that Christians who are same-sex attracted face challenges even in Christian communities.” - CPost
I fail to see the value of Lausanne!
Convince me that I am wrong!
I tend to feel the same way about it. But I think my case it’s just because I’ve never been involved or even know anybody who has ever been involved, personally. If I sort of mentally scan for evangelical authors, speakers, and others of influence, are they involved? I don’t really know.
If they are shaping things a lot, perhaps they have a marketing/PR challenge there.
But apparently “about 5,000 globally” are participating in this one.
So, I guess that feeling of irrelevance just has to do what circles you normally hang out in. Probably for quite a few, it is frequently front of mind.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
A Pentecostal leader asked the participants of Lausanne to raise their hands if they were Pentecostal or charismatic.
I think half the room raised their hands.
(Saw on FB)
Me: confirms my view