Peoples and Languages, Not Political Boundaries

More than ever before we need to see cross-cultural missions as advancing the Gospel among peoples and language groups, not merely reaching those within certain political boundaries. This distinction is becoming increasingly important as our world grows integrated through a global economy and technology. Peoples and languages, not countries—this is what I would like to emphasize.


Oxford Dictionaries Change Definitions of “Man,” “Woman”


“After a petition gained more than 34,000 signatures, Oxford University Press … either removed or labelled certain synonyms as ‘offensive, derogatory, or dated.’ Some of those terms are indeed offensive and vulgar, but they didn’t stop there.


What Do You Mean?

One of the most frustrating aspects of the recent civil unrest in America for me, has been trying to figure out what people mean by what they say. Am I at fault for failing to understand the plain meaning of simple words, or are the words themselves intended to obscure the real intentions of the speaker?

I am beginning to suspect it’s the latter. It seems that words are being used in a manner intended to hide, not reveal what the speaker actually means.
