What Does It Mean to “Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem”?

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” What exactly does that mean?

The phrase is found in Psalm 122:6. King David wrote Psalm 122 for the Israelites to sing as they went up to Jerusalem for their holy days. The word “Jerusalem” means “habitation of peace.” Peace and the City of Peace is the theme of this psalm.

All the tribes of Israel came “unto the testimony of Israel, to give thanks unto the name of the LORD.” They came to Jerusalem to visit “the house of the LORD,” to be instructed in the Word of the LORD, and to praise the LORD.


The Future Salvation of Israel

In the wake of events unfolding in the Middle East, many are wondering what the Bible says regarding the final, future salvation of Israel—and how the exigencies that we are all witnessing on our television screens right now relate to that future.

It is also common for evangelicals to raise this concern: Why should we be distressed for the nation of Israel today—when they are a people in unbelief?

To answer these questions, let’s simply consider the bookends of the coming seven-year tribulation, the 70th week of the prophet Daniel (see Dan. 9:24-27).


What Has Israel to Do with Ukraine?


“I contend, any evangelical now claiming to feel sorrow for the Jewish nation should feel just as much mercy and compassion for Ukraine, the history of which is inextricably linked with Israel.” - Providence


Hamas never wanted peace with Israel


“As stated in its first charter, published in 1988, ‘Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.’” - Michael Brown


Suddenly, A Burden for Israel

On Shabbat morning, following the conclusion of the Feast of Tabernacles, on Simchat Torah—a day set aside to commemorate the joy that flows from God’s Law—terror fell upon Israel.
