The “New” Antisemitism in America’s Universities


“The ‘new’ wave of antisemitism in the West clarifies to Israeli Jews too that they cannot escape their fate in Israel by relocating to Europe or America. They too cannot escape antisemitism by distancing themselves from Israel.” - Providence


What Does It Mean to Stand with Israel? (Part 4)

Read the series.

What does it mean to stand with Israel? My wife Lynnette and I were challenged to think about that question in a completely new way on Friday, June 7, when we heard a firsthand account of the terrorist massacre that Hamas unleashed last October 7.


What Does It Mean to Stand with Israel? (Part 3)

Read the series.

What are some specific things that we can do to stand with—that is, bless (Gen. 12:3)—the people, nation and land of Israel?

As we documented in the previous installment, we certainly have good reason to desire to do so. As Jesus told the Canaanite woman, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matt. 15:24). And as He reminded the Samaritan woman, “Salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22).


What Does It Mean to Stand with Israel? (Part 2)

Read Part 1.

What are we really calling for when we entreat people to stand with the people, nation and land of Israel?

We’ve been pondering that question during this period of unprecedented, frightful and downright dangerous antisemitism—the worst that the world has witnessed since the dreadful days of the Holocaust.


What Does It Mean to Stand with Israel? (Part 1)

My previous column challenged Bible-believing Christians—and all Americans—to stand with the people, nation and land of Israel during these times of unprecedented hatred aimed at Jewish people around the world.

During the past week, the animosity and hostility spouted against the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have grown to a level that we might have considered unfathomable, making such pleas all the more necessary. This story is not going away anytime soon. The acrimony is spreading like wildfire.


Why Is Israel Singled Out As the Uniquely Hated State?


“the world is filled with state actors treating their own or neighboring populations in the most appalling ways, far worse than anything that Israel could remotely be accused of, without attracting anything like the passion and vitriol directed at Jews and Israel.” - Manhattan Contrarian


If You’re Going to Stand, Now Is the Time

The United States was attacked in unprecedented waves of terrorism on Sept. 11, 2001. What followed was an immediate, passionate surge of patriotism, mingled with religious fervor. Many of us remember those days very clearly.

Our patriotism ran only so deep, however, and the spiritual connection was extremely shallow. After six months, the enthusiasm had largely faded away.

When Israel was attacked by Hamas in unprecedented waves of terrorism on Oct. 7, 2023, we would have expected a passionate surge of support for Israel, grounded in Biblical understanding.
