Should Christians Protest the Police?


“This is one of the short videos I recorded for my church, which I’ve been doing daily since the COVID lockdown started. I recorded it before I knew about the rioting and looting in protest of the death of George Floyd.


What Is a Christian’s Duty to Unjust Government?


“This guy, angry that Grace Community Church yielded to the 9th Circuit Court’s ruling banning church meetings in California [last] weekend, Tweets at me: “An unjust law need not be followed. I’m appalled at how many people who profess to believe Scripture echo that sentiment.” - Phil Johnson


Bernie Sanders’ pagan view of charity


“Sanders’ preference for government programs over private philanthropy echoes that of ancient pagan rulers. Sanders, a democratic socialist, has said that private charity should not exist, because it usurps the authority of the government.” - Acton


What the Anti-Poverty Activists Hath Wrought


Who Killed Civil Society?: The Rise of Big Government and the Decline of Bourgeois Norms argues that ‘formative’ efforts by private organizations to prevent social problems from appearing … have been supplanted by the ‘reformative’ efforts of government programs to remedy problems once they appear.


AG Barr on the idea that government social programs can replace the virtues instilled by religion


“What Barr describes is a long-term shift from an understanding that a robust civil society, including religious institutions, could promote healthy norms such as sobriety and self-discipline to a belief that government could be relied upon for rehabilitation, the term emphasized by the Kennedy administration when it first authorized federal grants for social services.” - National Review
