Conciliation With the Colonies

Edmund Burke, on moving his Resolutions for Conciliation with the Colonies. House of Commons, March 22, 1775

Below are excerpts from the first fifth of the speech. The speech is public domain. All 24,000 words are available at Project Gutenberg.


On Civil Disobedience


“I would suggest that we can’t disobey a law or mandate just because we disagree with it, or it won’t work, or it’s stupid, or it’s an abuse of authority, or it’s applied selectively, or even because it’s unconstitutional.” - Dan Olinger


Can We “Honor” the  COVID-19 Rule-Makers?

Everyone is annoyed at times by a stupid rule or a bad decision by a leader. But lately, conservative Christian responses to government rules look and sound about the same as non-Christian attitudes on the political right: they’re dominated by anger, harsh judgments of motives, mockery, and defiance.

Sanctimonious defiance is still really just defiance. If you put lipstick on a pig, it’s still… etc., etc.


On Government, Police, and Qualified Immunity

These days, there’s a lot to be said for tuning out the info-noise and basking in the bliss of ignorance. Why fret over what you can’t change? There is a Judge of All the Earth,1 and it isn’t me. “Fret not”!2

And, in the daily cacophony of clashing claims, who can sort the truth out of the mess anyway, right?

Well … not exactly.


Is It Too Late to Recover the Founders’ Presidency?


Prakash’s book “offers a serious plan for the restoration of something closer to the original intent of the presidency and its relationship to our other political institutions.


Should Christians Protest the Police?


“This is one of the short videos I recorded for my church, which I’ve been doing daily since the COVID lockdown started. I recorded it before I knew about the rioting and looting in protest of the death of George Floyd.


What Is a Christian’s Duty to Unjust Government?


“This guy, angry that Grace Community Church yielded to the 9th Circuit Court’s ruling banning church meetings in California [last] weekend, Tweets at me: “An unjust law need not be followed. I’m appalled at how many people who profess to believe Scripture echo that sentiment.” - Phil Johnson
