1,000 Scientists Sign Up to Dissent from Darwin


“Now it is important to understand that many of these scientists, while rejecting the idea that evolution is primarily powered by natural selection and mutations, still believe evolution—just a different form of it.” - AiG


Crowd-sourcing evolution


“Michael Behe, on Feb. 26 releases Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution (HarperOne). Behe brings to bear studies that ‘have only become available in the past few decades due to rapid advances in laboratory techniques that closely examine the molecular level of life.’” - World


Pew Research: Darwin in America


“[A]bout one-in-five U.S. adults reject the basic idea that life on Earth has evolved at all. And roughly half of the U.S. adult population accepts evolutionary theory, but only as an instrument of God’s will.” - Pew Forum


Darwinian justification for human speech challenged


“The situation is a lot more complicated than the very clean story that has been making it into textbooks all this time,” Elizabeth Atkinson, coauthor of the paper, told Nature. - BPNews


A Dinosaur in the Wrong Place, Wrong Time?


“Evolutionary scientists have recently announced the ‘surprising discovery’ of a dinosaur similar to Diplodocus (one of the long-necked dinosaurs) in a region of northwest China where these dinosaurs were not believed to have lived, fifteen million years earlier than scientists thought they had evolved.” - AiG


Recent origin of species? Genetic study’s findings throw curveball at evolution


“Researchers are shocked by the unexpected results of a large new genetic study that appears in the journal Human Evolution. The findings indicate that either most animal species and humans originated at approximately the same time, or some major population crash wiped out most of the original species.” WORLD


A Response to “Talking Science as Christians”


“On June 5, 2018, a self-described Christian and professor of chemistry published a provocative blog post titled ‘Talking Science as Christians.’ The author, ‘RJS,’ under the guise of offering advice from a career in science, took young-earth creation (YEC) to task and sharply rebuked it.” AiG
