Does RNA Assembly on Glass Break Up the Case for a Creator?


“According to their model, RNA molecules would have assembled on early Earth when ocean water replete with ribonucleotides washed over pieces of glass located on volcanic islands. But a careful assessment of their work shatters this illusion.” -


Which Theory of Evolution? Toppling the Idol of “Settled Science”


“A recent long-form essay in The Guardian signals just how urgent the problem has become for the most dominant theory in the history of the sciences. In it, author Stephen Buranyi, gives voice to a growing number of scientists who think it’s time for a ‘new theory of evolution.’” - Breakpoint


Biochemistry Doesn’t Point to Common Ancestry


“…philosopher of biology Paul Nelson, in a piece at Evolution News, called the paper ‘the most interesting biology paper of 2022 so far.’ Its findings are precisely the opposite of what we’d expect if life evolved from a common ancestor.” - Breakpoint


Darwinian Evolution is Running out of Time


“The theory of intelligent design is often dismissed as religion pretending to be science. Critics argue that the theory doesn’t make any predictions or contribute to our knowledge of the natural world, and plus, it’s not taken seriously in any peer-reviewed scientific journals.


Two Charlies: Darwin vs. Hodge - An imagined interview with Charles Hodge


“Hodge also saw that science low on the ladder of abstraction, based on observing and measuring, is not in conflict with Christian belief—but “science” high on the ladder, with faith in things unseen like macro-evolution, is. Here’s my pretend 1874 interview with Hodge about Darwin. Hodge’s own words form the answers.” - Olasky


Darwin’s racism: How early evolutionary theory fueled discrimination


“Race-based discrimination has multiple sources, many of which preceded Darwin, but evolutionary theory gave ‘a powerful push to a scientific version of racism that still impacts us today,’ said John West, vice president and a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute.” - WORLD


Swamidass’ “central argument is that current science is fully compatible with many different theological positions on the historical Adam”


“The core distinction between ‘genetic’ ancestry and ‘genealogical’ ancestry seems valid. Adam and Eve could’ve been genealogical ancestors of all humans alive today, without leaving any genetic trace….Nevertheless, the genealogical hypothesis itself is still dissonant with the biblical Adam and Eve.” - TGC
