Two Principles for Engaging the Culture

This article proposes two principles that will help Christians better understand how to interact with the world as it is. The first teaches us the correct mindset, and the second shows us the correct tactic for engaging the battlespace that is 2023 America.


Syncretism: Don’t Mix Prosperity Heresy with Evangelism


“a growing number of church attendees in the U.S. are embracing prosperity gospel teachings as if they reflect genuine Christianity. The study compares beliefs to a similar study in 2017 and shows several alarming trends.” - Lifeway


What Evangelism Is & Why 3 Laws Are Better Than 4


If “you only think of confrontational conversations, short-term intense efforts to guide non-Christians into instant conversions… then you have a pretty narrow, unrealistic, and inefficient view of evangelism.” - Word by Word


How to Give an Effective Invitation


“ ‘I see that hand. I see that one, too.’ And you’re thinking, ‘Wait, no you don’t. No one is raising their hand.’” - Lifeway


The Lausanne Covenant at 50: 10 Enduring Quotes


“2024 will also mark the 50th anniversary of the First Lausanne Congress, which saw the release of The Lausanne Covenant… one of the most significant documents in modern church history, serving as a rallying cry and commitment for evangelicals around the world.” - TGC


Single Assembly Advances the Gospel Better than Multisite


“…single assembly reduces your options. When your building is at capacity, you simply have to send members elsewhere or start a building project. Maybe you strategically send members to a struggling, like-minded church down the road.” - 9 Marks


How inclusivity affects the Church and repentance


“It may seem odd to think of inclusion as a means of exclusion, yet inclusion in a community willing to call “evil good and good evil” … is a de facto exclusion because it denies the transformative decision that the Gospel requires.” - CPost
