What Evangelism Is & Why 3 Laws Are Better Than 4

If “you only think of confrontational conversations, short-term intense efforts to guide non-Christians into instant conversions… then you have a pretty narrow, unrealistic, and inefficient view of evangelism.” - Word by Word


I loved a lot of quotes from this article:

Because evangelism is an announcement—one that takes many forms and routes, as we will see below—faithful evangelism does not require an immediate response.

The task of the evangelist is not to call, urge, beg, motivate, stir up, plead, implore, exhort, press, encourage, demand, solicit, pressure, request, or appeal for faith because faith is not a resource the hearer can supply. The task of the evangelist is to deliver the word of Christ. When evangelists deliver the word of Christ, our task is done.

Excellent evangelists move beyond a one-time gospel presentation. They understand that the typical way the Holy Spirit works in the lives of people is slowly and patiently. To be a better evangelist, be graciously persistent and faithfully patient. Listen, announce, and repeat. Then, repeat again.

I am not a fan of the phrase, "leading people to Christ." I prefer to "introduce people to Christ." I love to share the gospel regardless of what people do with it. The opportunity to proclaim Jesus is the reward as much as someone accepting the message. I am not suggesting that the angels don't rejoice more over someone accepting Christ, but we must not forget that there is reason to rejoice every time Christ is proclaimed.

The task of the evangelist is not to call, urge, beg, motivate, stir up, plead, implore, exhort, press, encourage, demand, solicit, pressure, request, or appeal for faith because faith is not a resource the hearer can supply. The task of the evangelist is to deliver the word of Christ. When evangelists deliver the word of Christ, our task is done.

I strongly disagree with these statements and believe that they are unbiblical teaching.

Peter exhorted and urged the people present at Pentecost with many other words when he evangelized them:

Acts 2:40 And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.

Paul repeatedly sought to persuade people when he evangelized them:

Acts 18:4 And he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks.