People Aren’t Rejecting Jesus. They Just Don’t Care


“the landscape has shifted. We now find ourselves in a culture where the active rejection of Jesus is no longer necessary, as it’s already the prevailing assumption…..if they don’t care, we need to stop defending the faith and give them a reason to care.” - Phil Cooke


Can I Tell an Unbeliever ‘Jesus Died for You’?


“there are no evangelistic sermons in Acts where this precise language is used. If Peter and Paul could evangelize without saying ‘Jesus died for you,’ then you shouldn’t make it a litmus test for gospel orthodoxy.” - TGC


Evangelistic Expository Preaching


“Much has been written on evangelistic preaching. And much has been written on expositional preaching. Often, though, we tend to think of the two as mutually exclusive, rather than as normally inseparable.” - Mark Dever


Evangelism Without an Altar Call


“Let me start by recognizing that those who give altar calls do so because they sincerely desire for people to be saved… . Altar calls remain popular today and are increasingly accompanied by an invitation to be baptized immediately.” - 9 Marks


Evangelistic Events or the Alternative?


“God can use programs. I know people who have come to faith at evangelistic events…. But I don’t think programs are the most effective or even the primary way we should do evangelism.” - 9 Marks


They Will Listen: Evangelistic Confidence in a Cynical Age


“In those three words, I’ve found a powerful prescription to fight the cynicism and discouragement I often feel in personal evangelism. Paul knew, no matter the present opposition, God’s gospel would find an audience.” - 9 Marks


Reaching Gen Z: The Powerful Witness of Long, Ordinary Obedience


“The church has redemptive work to do—and it’s not to invent an evangelism technique that uses a clever acronym, trendy graphics, or an assortment of language from pop culture. Gen Z doesn’t need that, nor do they want it.” - TGC
